How to use tenant content management feature: Push content to child tenants


The 'Tenant Content Management' feature allows for content items on the root tenant to be pushed down and published on child tenants. This feature allows for easy comparison between existing content and for admins to easily publish content to child tenants.

Publish Content To Child Tenants

  1. Go to the Chime Settings -> Tenant Content Mangement on the root tenant admin menu
  2. Select Publish to Tenant on the content item that you wish to publish to a child tenant. Current available content types include Adaptive Card Library Items, Base Chat Theme Items, Chat Pipelines, Chime Outages, Chime Reports, FAQ Items, and Standard Replies.

  1. After selecting a content item you are able to view if there is an exisiting version of the content item that has been published on the child tenant as well as the version. If you wish to view a more detailed comparison between what you wish to post and the existing content select View Diff

  1. On the 'View Diff' comparison page you will see the json for each of the items as well as the highlighted differences between the two. When publishing a file common automatic adjustments include the ContentItemVersionId, ModifiedUtc, PublishedUtc, CreatedUtc, Author, and TaxonomyContentItemId.

  1. When you are ready to publish select Publish to Tenant from either to 'Publish to Tenant' page or the 'View Diff' page. Please note that if there is an existing version of the item it will be overwritten.